Bounce Integrates Clover Cross-chain Wallet to Facilitate Decentralized Crowdloans

Bounce Brand
3 min readMay 5, 2021

As we announced last week, Bounce is the first decentralized platform to host Parachain Slot Auctions on Polkadot and Kusama. To enable our community to participate in decentralized crowdloan campaigns, we are partnering up with Clover — a DeFi infrastructure provider creating an EVM-compatible framework for Substrate‑based applications.

We aim at ensuring smooth multi-chain user experience on the Bounce platform by integrating the Clover Cross-chain Wallet that enables users to connect to dApps on multiple blockchains and view their multi-chain assets at the same time.

Clover’s all-in-one wallet extension provides the opportunity to seamlessly transact between Ethereum, Polkadot, Kusama, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, and Edgeware blockchains.

In this article we provide a step-by-step guide to participating in a crowdloan campaign on Bounce using Clover Wallet.


  • To get started, you need to install Clover Extension Wallet from Chrome Web Store and create an account. Once it’s set up, make sure to switch to Kusama network.
  • You can view the full list of parachain candidates in the Bounce Crowdloan Dashboard. For each project, you can view metrics like the total amount of raised funds and the lease period it is applying for.
  • Once you’ve chosen the project you would like to contribute to, you need to stake DOT or KSM tokens to proceed. When you click on the “Sign and Stake” button, Clover extension wallet will execute the lease transaction on-chain.
  • Done! When the crowdloan is successfully completed, you can view your status, claim staking rewards and view transaction history in your account under “‘My Total staked value’. In the case of a failed parachain slot auction event, you can withdraw your staked funds.

Parachain Slot Auctions Timeline

The Kusama and Polkadot Parachain Slot Auctions are almost here: the first crowdloan campaigns will commence in May 2021. Every several weeks candidate projects will compete with each other to win one of the 100 parachain slots.

By the end of June, we will already know the auction winners who will connect to the Kusama Relay Chain. When the winning candidates’ lease period ends (in 2022 or later, depending on the slot they applied for), Bounce users will be able to receive their KSM contributions back to their Clover wallet.

About Clover

Clover is a powerful smart contract platform that enables Ethereum developers and projects to migrate their contracts onto Polkadot. By minimizing the changes required to run existing Solidity smart contracts on the new network, Ethereum projects can simply replicate their dApp and deploy it to Clover using MetaMask, Truffle, Remix, and other familiar tools.

Download the clover wallet here:

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Bounce Brand

An experiment. Decentralized Auction. Swap or get bounced.